How Can We Help?

Which is Easier to Grow?
Tomatoes Compared to Cannabis
The reality is that Cannabis seeds are easier to start than tomato seeds; no heat mat and faster to germinate. Cannabis plants are less fussy; they are more cold and heat tolerant and grow more quickly (think bamboo!). My favorite and final comparison is that you only need one or two Cannabis plants in your garden - whereas I have many tomato plants.
We work with folks across the U.S. that are growing Cannabis for all sorts of reasons, and we are here to support you too. Through our popular gardening workshops, and our ‘class textbook’, The Cannabis Gardener by Penny Barthel, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to provide practical gardening advice. Our head gardener and founder Emily Gogol, has won numerous awards for her garden advocacy, which includes building community gardens and public parks. The Grow It From Home team is passionate about empowering you to grow Cannabis at home in your backyard or on a patio. It really does grow like a weed!

Garden Math
CBD Flower -
Growing from Home is Economical
Don’t even get me started on what THC flower in a dispensary costs. OK, let's compare Cannabis to tomatoes in your garden. Both require full sun, are annual plants that can be quite tall and bushy, and require all the same soil/nutrients, so the financial cost to grow them is identical so far. If you purchase a 3-pack of tomato plants from Burpee online, it’s about $25. Our 3-pack of plants is usually twice that, $50. Ok, so you’re spending $25 more dollars to get flower than is $700/lb, when tomatoes are only $4/lb. Garden math right there - which do you devote your precious time and garden space to? Also note - our gardeners report giving away lbs of flower every year - and they are just growing two or three plants in their garden. It’s pretty amazing that by growing your own you can start giving away $700/lb flower!