CBD Treats for Pets

Our ground CBD flower and vet approved one-bowl dog treat recipe make it easy and affordable to add CBD to your pet’s diet. If you can turn on your oven, you can make these delicious treats for your dog. Be sure to check out our how-to video guide and the reviews!

Mijo’s CBD Treats Recipe

Recipe makes 60 cookies

Approximately 25mg of CBD per cookie


  • 1/2cup (15g) hemp flower, ground
  • 2 cups (227g) whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup (89g) oats
  • 1/2 cup (56g) nonfat dry milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup (270g) peanut butter)
  • 1/2 cup cold water


Combine all ingredients into one bowl and mix thoroughly. Add more water as needed to form a thick dough. Portion the dough into 60 equal balls, using a kitchen scale. Alternatively, you can roll out the dough and se your favorite cookie cutter.

Bake at 300F for 30-40 minutes until golden. Allow to cool.


Making CBD Pet Treats Accessible

In the last few years tons of new CBD pet products are on the market – soft-chews, cookies, pills – the list goes on. It turns out that ground Cannabis flower, high in only CBD, is fabulous for making pet treats. Just like adding dried parsley, dried ground CBD flower can be added to any recipe your pet enjoys. Once we learned this we knew we had to find a way to make high quality, affordable, ground CBD flower available for DIY pet treats. 

One-Bowl, No Fuss, Pet Treats

If you’ve ever made cookies at home, you can make CBD cookies for your furry friends. It seems like everyone I know has a pet that enjoys a CBD treat. Whether the treats are for anxiety or pain, many folks are adding it to their pets diet. Our Mijo’s CBD Treats features a one-bowl, no fuss recipe for veterinarian approved dog cookies. However, you can add the ground flower to whatever your pet enjoys. We’ve gotten reports of gardeners just adding it to their dog or cats favorite wet food, while others go all out and make fancy pupcakes. It’s up to you, we provide the USDA organic certified high quality CBD only flower so that your pet can enjoy a treat.

Affordable and Practical

Our bag of our ground flower, with our veterinarian approved recipe, makes about 220 cookies at 25mg/cookie. If you’re ever purchased a CBD pet treat before, you’ll instantly realize this is a massive savings. We provide detailed instructions on making these treats at home, and inspirational and educational videos, to make it easy and rewarding to bake treats at home.

The ground cbd flower keeps in your pantry, just like flour or oats, so it’s easy to keep on hand and use as needed. 

We Support Community Groups

We proudly support many dog rescue agencies with donations of our ground CBD flower and dog bandanas. These items help dogs during the rescue process, can be an added bonus for the adoptive parents, and can be used to fundraise for other items. If you know a pawsitive organization that could use our support, let us know!